How to... Fix Legacy Block Issues with News Articles


Occasionally system updates lead to complications with existing content. This particular issue sprung up around when it became required to put the body of an article into content fields.

The Problem

An article will not display when viewed on the Core site (or similar), but it displays when you view it on Content Hub.

Content Hub Core Site
Screenshot of an article displaying properly on content hub.
Screenshot of an article not displaying properly on Core site.

The Reason

This is an issue involving legacy content blocks and article content being placed on the wrong “layer” of a page. New procedures prevent this, but older articles will show the issue.

Diagram of how content exports from content hub, along with text: When Content Hub exports to the Core site, it is trying to export the Fielded Content and the Layout Layer. However, the Layout Layer will not make it over if the blocks are the old sort. If Fielded Data is empty or not placed on the  Layout Layer, then there is nothing for the article to display and it looks blank.

Check the Layout Layer

On Content Hub, check the article’s block types by toggling “content preview” at the top. If you see “Body”, you are dealing with newer blocks. If the blocks say things like “body_text”, you are dealing with legacy content blocks.

Correcting the Issue

  1. Copy the article and related content from the layout layer into the Body field. You may need to save and reupload some older images
  2. Remove the old content blocks from the layout layer of the article.
    screenshot of erroneous blocks
  3. Add in the new Body content block.
    screenshot of correct blocks