News Item Tutorials

A highly-engaging News Item with optimized formatting increases human readability, accessibility, and searchability. Reader-friendly News Items rank higher in search engine returns, promote social sharing, and show statistically higher engagement rates in analytics reports. 


News Item Tutorials

  • April 28, 2022
    Social media shares increase Mason’s digital impact by connecting with potential new visitors and improving a news item’s search engine ranking.  Even if you have no distribution plans of your own, web content is highly shareable, and one can’t predict which stories will be shared by your readers.
  • March 10, 2022
    News Items with the same Topic Tag will appear together in a news item filter list and are grouped into a taxonomy list. News Items shared with a site will export to the designated subscribing site.
  • March 10, 2022
    This 'Display Date' field is used to list news items by 'Display Date' order in a news list filter block. This field appears near the top of a news item admin screen. The 'Display Date' does not affect the page's visibility to end-users. To schedule the news item to publish on a specific date, please use the publication settings at the bottom of the news item's 'Edit Settings' screen.